
Virtual War Room Web App

How does an ad agency creatively collaborate across offices?

Creative critiques often take place with the work of multiple people organized on a wall for the group to talk about. It works great when everyone is in one office. But how can we make it work for multiple creative teams working remotely? That was the challenge put before us.

My team created a web app that would allow multiple people to upload and organize designs and documents to a virtual wall. Once there, the entire team could see images as a collection or singularly close up, read documents, rate items, and have a conversation about them by way of comments.

Being a web app, it is accessible from anywhere and works perfectly well on desktop and tablets. As an in-house project, we were given free reign on how the tool should serve all its stakeholders, and the result was  incredible.

OnDisp.ly Gallery
Created for R&R Partners
My role on this project

Sole UxD


Functional/Content Requirements

Information Architecture (IA)


User Flow

Interaction Design (IxD)


User Interface (UI)


User Testing