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Consumer & Enterprise Support Page Redesign

Dell Provides self-help for all your products

The most visited pages on the Dell Support site are the integrated product support pages. You know, the page that contains or leads the user to all the helpful information regarding their specific product. The original intent of this project was to redesign the product Overview tab to prevent any instances of empty tab content and to increase usage of existing content.

I was the Lead Product Designer on the project, working with another PD. The extended team consisted of multiple content and product owners from all across the product support tabs.  


Dell Product Pages

Created at Dell

The UX Process

Defining the Problem

We were asked to redesign the Overview Tab so that there would be no instances of little or no content. Success would be measured by increased usage of the content within the tab. However, once we started unpacking the cause of little or no content appearing, we discovered a lot of variables controlling what content might appear and a fount of opportunity to elevate important content from within the other tabs of the product page. The problem was not that there was no content to show, but what to choose to show when, depending on the variables driving the page content.

content Strategy

In terms of categories of content and functionality, at start of the project there three basic types: Sections we current had on the pages, sections our stakeholders wanted to add, and sections we believed users would find valuable. The first step was to audit these existing and proposed areas of content and assess their desirability with users.

Once we knew what users wanted to know, we needed to determine what we could show them. This is where those variables come in. There are currently five levels of user permissions and four basic product types. The products may have specific useful content depending on if we’re showing the individual product model itself, the series, or the family of the product. And the most value info of all can only be given if we know the specific serial number of the product in question.

Leading the product team and our stakeholders in determining what was possible and most valuable to show to each user type in each scenario (and the interaction resulting from each) was my primary responsibility in this project. Page architecture and design was possible after determining content.

User validation

Users were consulted as to what types of content they found valuable. Throughout the design process, both consumers and enterprise users were involved in testing to ensure findability of important information, usability of our interactions, and understandability of icon and color usage. This resulted in four rounds of iterations to achieve the final result.

Validation prototype comparing designs

impact on business


Lowered Self-Support Failure Rate on client support pages by 37.3%, reducing calls to Dell Support Agents.

My role on this project

Lead PD of 2 Designers


Functional/Content Requirements

Information Architecture (IA)


User Flow


User Interface (UI)


User research